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He's so touchy with the ear thing." "Okay," said man #3 on his way into the office.
Once inside he is told, "Name the first thing you notice when you look at me.
“The guy answers, "That's easy, you wear contacts.
“The interviewer was flabbergasted,
"How on earth did you know that, son?"
"What? Are you stupid? You can't wear glasses, you've got no ears!"
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At a fancy reception, a young man was asked by a widow to guess her age.
"You must have some idea," she urged when he hesitated.
"I have several ideas," he admitted with a smile.
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Patient walks into a doctor's office.
Patient: Doctor, people ignore me.
Patient: Doctor, I have a serious memory problem. I can't remember anything!
Doctor: So, since when did you have this problem?
Doctor: D id you take those pills I gave you to improve your memory?
Patient: Doctor, if I give up wine, women, and song, will I live longer?
Doctor: Not really. It will just seem longer.
Nurse: Doctor, there is an invisible man in your waiting room.
Doctor: Tell him I can't see him now. Next.
Nurse: Doctor, there is a man in the waiting room with a glass eye named Brown.
Doctor: What does he call his other eye?
Patient: Doctor, should I file my nails?
Doctor: No, throw them away like everybody else.
Patient: Doctor, is there anything worse than being old and bent?
Doctor: Yes there is...being young and broke.
Patient: Tell me, doctor. Is it serious?
Doctor: Well, I wouldn't advise you to start watching any serials on TV.
Patient: Doctor, I think I need glasses.
Teller: You certainly do. This is a bank.
Doctor: No need for that. You will find that in your bill.
Doctor: Did you know that there are more than 1,000 bones in the human body?
Tom: Shhh, doctor! My dog's outside in the waiting room!
Mavis: My daughter believes in preventative medicine, doctor.
Mavis: Yes, she tries to prevent me from making her take it!
Tom: What's good for excessive wind, doctor?
Do you find it difficult passing water, Mr. Sozzle?
No, doctor. But I do find it hard to pass a pub!
Bill: My wife beats me, doctor
Bill: Every time we play Scrabble!
Liz: I get so nervous and frightened during driving tests!
Doctor: Never mind, you'll pass eventually.
Doctor: You're in good health. You'll live to be 80.
Patient: But, doctor, I am 80 right now.
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